According to information provided by COMAC, the list price of a C919 family aircraft is US$99 million (US$99 million), and the total list price of these aircraft is about US$9.9…
Blizzard is finally back, still by NetEase proxy (when the server is opened, the previous account data is kept intact)
Today, Blizzard Entertainment, Microsoft Games and NetEase jointly announced that Blizzard Entertainment’s games will return to the Chinese mainland market starting this summer under the updated game publishing agreement. Blizzard…
The third route of China’s large aircraft C919 was officially opened, between Shanghai Hongqiao and Xi’an Xianyang
According to the official public account of “China Eastern Airlines”, the third route of the domestic large aircraft C919 “Shanghai Hongqiao – Xi’an Xianyang” route has been officially opened, and…
Ruanhui wishes everyone a happy new year 2024
Softhui wishes everyone a happy new year and all the best.
China’s high-speed EMUs are exported to Europe for the first time
During China’s third “Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum, the Hungary-Serbia Railway High-speed EMU Project was officially signed in Beijing. This is a major breakthrough for China’s high-end rail…
MAS 2.2: A New Hope For HWID
A Windows and Office activator using HWID / Ohook / KMS38 / Online KMS activation methods, with a focus on open-source code and fewer antivirus detections. Note: HWID Activation…
Flying to work: China has pioneered pilot eVTOL aviation
With the continuous development of technology, an intelligent pilot aircraft called eVTOL has begun to enter people’s lives. In fact, the Chinese name of eVTOL is called electric vertical take-off…
Happy National Day Celebrating the 74th Anniversary of the Founding of China
October 1, 2023 marks the 74th anniversary of the founding of New China. Today, I wish our motherland prosperity, strength and prosperity, and the people live and work in peace…
From December 1, 2023, China officially launched the new version of permanent resident identity card for foreigners
According to the official website of the National Migration Service: On December 1 this year, the new version of the People’s Republic of China Permanent Residence Identity Card for…
The world’s first unified architecture, full-bitrate wireless audio codec standard L2HC released
The world’s first unified architecture, full-bitrate wireless audio codec standard L2HC was officially released today, supporting up to 1920Kbps transmission bitrate, exceeding Apple’s AAC, Sony LDAC, Qualcomm-led aptX Lossless and…
- 2025年2月5号起机票燃油附加费又涨价了-800公里以上目前是90块 February 10, 2025自2025年2月5日起,中国国内多家航空公司将上调航班客票的燃油附加费标准。这次调整是由于航空... The post 2025年2月5号起机票燃油附加费又涨价了-800公里以上目前是90块 first appeared on 软慧.
- 2024年10月5日(出票日期)起下调国内航线燃油附加费 October 6, 2024根据南方航空官网新闻提示。自2024年10月5号开始。国内的燃油附加费又便宜了 800公里(含)以下航线每位旅... The post 2024年10月5日(出票日期)起下调国内航线燃油附加费 first appeared on 软慧.
- 以iphone16为主,苹果秋季发布会定在2024/9/9 August 27, 2024国内观看时间为2024年9月10号凌晨一点左右。因为有时间差,美国时间是9号,国内就是10号,因为咱们的时间比... The post 以iphone16为主,苹果秋季发布会定在2024/9/9 first appeared on 软慧.
- 连央妈都推荐的2024年新上线的单机游戏《黑神话:悟空》,Steam在线人数历史第二 August 22, 20242024年8月20号 国产游戏《黑神话:悟空》正式上线发售,这个目前国内售价为268块钱。 截止到2024年8... The post 连央妈都推荐的2024年新上线的单机游戏《黑神话:悟空》,Steam在线人数历史第二 first appeared on 软慧.
- 李心-软慧百科 July 20, 2024 The post 李心-软慧百科 first appeared on 软慧.
- 2024年8月1号,暴雪的《魔兽世界》正式上线 June 27, 2024美国的暴雪宣布中国版的《魔兽世界》正式服 8 月 1 号回归,并且《魔兽世界:地心之战》资料片将于 ... The post 2024年8月1号,暴雪的《魔兽世界》正式上线 first appeared on 软慧.
- 2024年6月7号:祝全国芊芊学子高考,金榜题名, June 7, 20242024年高考时间为6月7,8号两天时间。(今年高考全国统考将于6月7日、8日举行,具体科目考试时间安排为:6... The post 2024年6月7号:祝全国芊芊学子高考,金榜题名, first appeared on 软慧.
- 国外聊天软件ICO.com将在 6 月 26 日关闭, May 26, 2024国外ICQ聊天软件官方网站发布公告,说将在国外时间的2024年6月26号关闭。差不多28年的聊天软件ICQ也剧... The post 国外聊天软件ICO.com将在 6 月 26 日关闭, first appeared on 软慧.
- 天涯社区将恢复访问-已进入重整重构的新阶段 April 30, 2024天涯社区官方微博发布《关于天涯社区网络平台恢复访问进展及新天涯进展的公告》: 亲爱的天涯用户: 自20... The post 天涯社区将恢复访问-已进入重整重构的新阶段 first appeared on 软慧.
- 微软 Build 2024大会-以AI为主 April 11, 2024微软 Build 2024大会将在2024 年 5 月 21 日至 23 日美国西雅图开始,主要... The post 微软 Build 2024大会-以AI为主 first appeared on 软慧.